Apprenticeship Levy Providers

Apprenticeship Provider

Outward Bound are the behavioural development partner of choice for many of the UK's top apprenticeship providers and employers.

They recognise that we transform the behaviours written in the apprenticeship standards into meaningful results for their apprentices, in their work, in their teams and in their organisation.

Why are you here?

If you've found this page, you're probably an employer, training provider or FE college who are looking for a partner who can deliver the behaviours listed in your apprenticeship standards. If this sounds like you please read on!

Sometimes young people looking for an apprenticeship find this page. Outward Bound don't offer apprenticeships at the moment, and we only work with employers and colleges to deliver the behaviours listed in apprenticeship standards. If you want to see the jobs available at Outward Bound click here.

Why Outward Bound?

First things first. Here are three things you should know about Outward Bound and the Apprenticeship Levy...

  1. We’re an approved provider on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP)
  2. Outward Bound programmes count toward 20% off the job training
  3. Our programmes are part fundable through the apprenticeship levy (you can't use the levy for the compulsory residential element of Outward Bound)

We're specialists in behavioural development. We'll work in partnership with you to deliver the behaviours listed in your apprenticeship standards – and we'll do it in a way that complements the way you teach, aligns with business needs and values and ultimately accelerates your apprentices' learning.

Get behaviours right, get results

Here are just some of the benefits you'll see in your apprentices if you partner with Outward Bound to develop behaviours:

  • Delivering more accurate work in less time, requiring less management time
  • Improved levels of communication
  • Increased confidence to question, clarify and influence others
  • Work effectively in their team and across the business
  • An increased commitment to learn as they become more curious to seek ways to do the job better
  • Time and costs saved as apprentices understand the behavioural expectations on them right from the start

Contact us

Partnerships, behaviours and apprentices. Let's talk!

Does Outward Bound count towards 20% off-the-job training?

Yes. Off-the-job training must account for at least 20% of the apprentice’s employed time. This requirement applies to apprenticeships at all levels. Off-the-job training is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day-to-day working environment and leads towards the achievement of an apprenticeship. 20% off-the-job training requirement is measured over the course of an apprenticeship (as opposed to over an academic year). Off-the-job training must teach new knowledge, skills and/or behaviours that will contribute to the successful achievement of an apprenticeship. Outward Bound residential programmes typically last 3-5 days and most commonly count as 50 hours training towards this requirement.

Can I use the levy to pay for Outward Bound?

Yes. You can use funds from your account to pay for the knowledge, skills and behaviour training needed to achieve an apprenticeship. Levy funds can be used for the training elements of an Outward Bound programme. Our programmes are 90% fundable from the levy.

Outward Bound is residential - is accommodation covered by the levy?

No - although the residential aspect is critical to the learning on an Outward Bound programme, this is not fundable through the apprenticeship levy. Our accommodation costs benefit from Outward Bound's charitable rate, but these costs must be paid for by the employer or main provider. Typically they make up 10% of your total training fee - the remaining 90% is fundable through the levy.

Who else are you working with?

Prospects Collect of Advanced Technology (PROCAT) used their apprenticeship levy to develop behaviours and utilise 20% off-the-job training for their apprentices. Find out more here.


Did you find this page because you're looking for an apprenticeship? We're sorry, but at the moment Outward Bound don't employ apprentices. We just work with colleges and employers to deliver specialist behavioural development training programmes to their apprentices.

Our approach

How do we get results? It's down to our unique mix of partnerships, people, place and process.