Night Time Supervisor (summer)

NIGHT TIME supervisor (summer)

Night time supervisor

We're looking for a night time supervisor, who will be responsible for the immediate safety and security of our Loch Eil centre and the young people here on residential. This is a fixed term contract to cover our summer course bookings.

Fixed term contract (summer)

Location: Outward Bound Loch Eil.
Contract: Fixed term (19 June – 11 August)
Salary: Approximately £4,400 earnt over length of contract, including accrued holiday pay. Hourly rate: £10.90.

We are a Real Living Wage employer.

How to Apply

If you have any queries regarding the information supplied or the recruitment process, please contact or telephone: 01397 772866 during office hours.

To apply for this job please send by email a covering letter of not more than 2 sides of A4, explaining your fit to the job description and the person specification, together with an up to date CV to Michael Forster.

Closing date: 09.00 19 April 2023.

Interviews will be held by mutual arrangement.

If you’re offered the job, you will be asked to complete a PVG (protecting vulnerable groups) check by Disclosure Scotland.

1600x800 LE trip campfire
Summer in the Highlands