How to fund your programme

Apprenticeship Levy

Here are three things you should know about Outward Bound and the Apprenticeship Levy...

  1. We’re an approved provider on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP)
  2. Outward Bound programmes count toward 20% off the job training
  3. You can use your levy towards the cost of an Outward Bound programme*

About the apprenticeship levy

In a bid to achieve three million apprenticeship starts by summer 2020, the government has changed the way apprenticeships are delivered and funded.

Since April 2017 all employers with a pay bill of over £3 million a year have paid 0.5% of that as an apprenticeship levy.

In England

In England, these levy payments must be used towards the cost of apprenticeship training (and you can use your levy towards the cost of an Outward Bound programme*).

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Outside of England, apprenticeships are a devolved policy. If you're in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland you can still partner with Outward Bound to develop the behaviours your apprentices need, but you won't be able to access your levy funds to pay for this like they do in England. Get in touch and we'll talk it through.

Apprenticeship levy FAQs
My apprentices aren't in England, can you help?

Apprenticeships are a devolved policy. So if you or your apprentices are based in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland the levy and funding works differently.

You'll find more information on ; or

We do work with lots of apprentices outside of England and the levy - so don't let this be a deal breaker. If you are interested in including an Outward Bound programme as part of your apprentices' training please contact us for a chat.

Does Outward Bound count towards 20% off-the-job training?

Yes. Off-the-job training must account for at least 20% of the apprentice’s employed time. This requirement applies to apprenticeships at all levels. Off-the-job training is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day-to-day working environment and leads towards the achievement of an apprenticeship. 20% off-the-job training requirement is measured over the course of an apprenticeship (as opposed to over an academic year). Off-the-job training must teach new knowledge, skills and/or behaviours that will contribute to the successful achievement of an apprenticeship. Outward Bound residential programmes typically last 3-5 days and most commonly count as 50 hours training towards this requirement.

Can I use my apprenticeship levy to pay for behaviour development?

Yes. You can use funds from your account to pay for knowledge, skills and behaviour training needed to achieve an apprenticeship. Levy funds can be used towards the training elements of an Outward Bound programme.

Can I use Outward Bound as a subcontractor?

Yes. You can use Outward Bound as a subcontractor. We will work with you to deliver behavioural skills. Employers and main providers can use multiple training providers, you don’t have to just use one. Outward Bound are registered as a main provider on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP) because we work with over 3,000 apprentices a year.

Employers can only use funds in their account to pay for training providers who are listed on the RoATP.

The Outward Bound Trust are listed on the RoATP.
UKPRN: 10055764
Name: Outward Bound Corporate Limited
Start date: 13/03/2017

Outward Bound is residential - is accommodation covered by the levy?

No - although the residential aspect is critical to the learning on an Outward Bound programme, this is not fundable through the apprenticeship levy. Our accommodation costs benefit from Outward Bound's charitable rate, but these costs must be paid for by the employer or main provider.

Can I use the levy to pay for graduate development?

No – however level 6 (degree level) and level 7 (masters level) apprenticeships are being approved. This indicates that employers could choose to rethink their graduate programmes allowing the flexibility to use funds from your account for all early careers development.

I want an apprenticeship with Outward Bound

Thank you for your interest in working with us. We think we're a pretty cool place to work too! We currently don't offer apprenticeships for Outdoor Instructors, but for all current vacancies and information about our Graduate Trainee Instructor Scheme visit our Work for The Trust page

Contact us


* Employers in England can use their levy payments towards the cost of an Outward Bound programme. Our programmes are not fully fundable as they are residential, and the levy cannot be used to pay for accommodation costs. Please contact us for more information.