Can I bring my mobile phone and is there internet access?
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Can I bring my mobile phone, valuables and is there internet access?

Mobile Phones

Yes, you can bring your phone but during the day whilst out on activities we ask that phones are left at the centre. This helps everyone connect with nature, concentrate safely and engage fully with everyone. During the evening when back at the centre you are free to use your phone. Prior to the next activity day, phones will be collected in, and stored in a safe place.

If a young person’s phone disrupts the course or emotional harm to others, or themselves, Outward Bound may take a phone away from a young person. The parent/guardian will be informed if this happens.

Due to the remote nature of the 19-Day Pinnacle course, the above may differ. Staff and young people will agree to an approach that reflects the spirit of phone use on other courses, but with different practical implications. Decisions on phone use made with young people will be communicated with parents/guardians at the start of the course. This decision will ensure that young people can make regular contact home.

We recommend you leave any valuables such as jewellery, iPods and tablets etc at home. However, if you really can’t live without them, you will have access to a safety deposit box at the centre.

Is there phone reception or internet access?

This depends on the centre and what network provider you are with. Certain areas are better covered than others, but as all our centres are based in rural areas, the phone signal might not be great. We have WiFi at the centres (except Ogwen Cottage) which you can use during free time. This is turned off at 10pm. None of our centres provides computers for student internet access.