Covid info for schools

Covid info for schools

Covid-safe at our centres

To help you prepare for your visit to Outward Bound, this page highlights the key things primary and secondary schools need to know in regards to keeping young people, visitors and our staff safe and protected.

This guidance relates to all our centres in England, Wales and Scotland. Any government guidance related to the specific nation you are travelling to also applies.


All pupils attending an Outward Bound course may bring lateral flow testing kits.

We are encouraging all young people and visiting staff due to come on an Outward Bound programme to carry out a lateral flow test before they arrive and to continue testing throughout their time at Outward Bound.

Face masks

All pupils attending an Outward Bound course should bring their own face mask.

Face masks remain mandatory in Scotland and Wales within indoor settings or crowded spaces. In English centres, face coverings remain optional.

Repatriation plans

All visiting staff coming to Outward Bound should have repatriation plans in place before they arrive.

If a young person tests positive for COVID-19 whilst on their course, they will immediately be isolated and cared for. Any staff or other young people in contact with any individual showing COVID-19 symptoms will also be isolated. It is the responsibility of the school to make the necessary arrangements for any pupils who test positive for COVID-19 to return home.

For more information on how we have adapted to carry out our work in a safe and appropriate way, visit our COVID-safe page.

If you have any questions about our COVID-safe procedures, please get in touch with us at