Maryam. Outward Bound Alumni
In such unprecedented times, our teachers, doctors, nurses, cleaners, supermarket workers, volunteers and many more rose to the occasion, becoming the glue which binds our society together.

With everyone contributing, collaborating, caring, the fruits of teamwork have been evident for all to see. The value of teamwork was emphasised to me when I was fortunate enough to participate on several Outward Bound residentials. The grit, communication, and eventually our trust in each other meant that we could step out of our comfort zones and succeed as a team.
Frustrated at my inability to support those who really need it, I decided to help out by setting up my own online student support hub because what we do makes a difference and we have to decide what type of difference we want to make.
As a team, we can achieve anything; as a team, we can overcome even the largest of hurdles because alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much.
I therefore wanted to create something to motivate students and provide them with support in these challenging times as, being a student myself, I understand how demotivating and difficult it can be! I also wanted to create a space where students can benefit from any advice, top tips or support so they can maximise the time they have at the moment and, in the long run, experience exam success.