Brian Mason
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Brian Mason - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1962

As an engineering apprentice with the Mullard Radio Valve Company in Mitcham Surrey I was selected to attend a 4 week Outwardbound course at Ullswater (U62?). After the first couple of days I wondered if it was a punishment rather than a reward!!! But how that view changed as the month progressed.

The most memorable things I suppose were the following:

Jumping into Lake Ullswater stark naked very early every morning

Being part of the search for a missing boy in the Coniston area (The Ullswater OBMS being the local Mountain Rescue Centre and we were the duty M.R. patrol on that day). The lads body was found after 2 or 3 days (a sad memory).

Happier memories:

Completing the final 4 day expedition after getting lost and spending a night on Scafell.

Climbing Napes Needle.

Being a part of Shackleton Patrol The Instructor was, I think, Gabriel Weeks and the elected Patrol Leader was a Jack "Booter" Hool (probably got the spelling wrong) I believe that he was a member of the Barrow Mountaineering Club

Getting to ride in the School Land Rover (with "Womens Overland Himalayan Expedition" written on the side) I believe that the Wardens wife was a member of that expedition.

The final consert hosted I believe by a Mr. Ryan.

As a lad of 18 at the time I had never seen a mountain in my life but the experience has led to a love of hill walking and a lifetime of enjoyment from it.

I will always remember "To serve, to strive and not to yield" I still have the badge and the tie.